Dr. Anne Bannon, Hero For Life


Dr. Anne Bannon “reading” her old pro-life insert. June 2016.

My friend and hero, Dr. Anne Bannon, died at the age of 89 on January 30, 2017.

Dr. Anne Bannon became a pediatrician decades ago at a time when women were usually discouraged from entering the almost exclusively men’s profession of medicine. But feisty and stubborn, Dr. Anne persevered to become a great doctor and the Chief of Pediatrics at City Hospital in St. Louis.

When the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision to legalize abortion came down, Dr. Anne was surprised and horrified. She went on to found Doctors for Life here in St. Louis.

One of her biggest projects was yearly producing and paying for a multi-page insert into the St. Louis Post-Dispatch (see picture), a newspaper that strongly supports legalized abortion and now assisted suicide.

Dr. Anne’s insert was full of facts but perhaps most importantly, it also listed the names of doctors against abortion. Every year, she would personally call every doctor she could and ask them if they opposed abortion and would agree to be listed in the insert. Despite the effort involved, Anne refused any help in contacting these doctors.

Every year, the list of doctors was long and it took courage for these doctors to agree to be listed. My own obstetrician-gynecologist told me that he received calls from other doctors who told him that they would never refer another patient to him if he continued to be listed in the insert. My doctor refused to be intimidated and he told me that publicly standing up for life was more important than possibly hurting his practice. In the end, his practice wound up even stronger.


I was introduced to Dr. Anne in 1982 when my daughter Karen was born with Down Syndrome and a severe heart defect. I told her about several doctors who tried to undermine our decision to have our daughter medically treated exactly the same as any other child with a heart condition.

Of course, Dr. Anne was supportive and in 1983, even introduced me to Dr. C. Everett Koop, then Surgeon General under President Ronald Reagan, so that I could tell him my story and advocate for a national hotline that parents of newborns with any disability  could call to find resources to help their children.

Dr. Anne recognized that legalized abortion was leading to increasing acceptance of deliberate death decisions for born people, especially the disabled. Never married with no family nearby, she asked me to be her durable power of attorney for health care because she wanted truly ethical health care in case she became unable to speak for herself.

Several years ago, Dr. Anne developed dementia, probably Alzheimer’s, and was in a nursing home on Medicaid. By the time she died, she was in the late stages and unable to walk or even speak clearly  most of the time. But she was excited and delighted when we, her friends, visited her in the nursing home even when she could not remember our names. We were her St. Louis family and we loved her.

Dr. Anne fractured her hip last Saturday night and needed surgery. She did well in surgery but suddenly became critically ill at the end of the surgery . But, to the doctors’ surprise and just when they were ready to give up, Anne suddenly got better. She was taken to intensive care on a ventilator and unconscious but stable. Anne’s famous fighting Irish spirit came out one last time and we were proud of her.

Dr. Anne was in critical but stable condition and apparently in a coma when we called a wonderful local priest to give her the Catholic Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, previously known as Last Rites or Extreme Unction. According to one friend and the doctor attending, her face seemed to soften during the sacrament and she even blinked and put her tongue out. That in itself was amazing.

After the sacrament, her vital signs immediately started to drop and despite an increase in her medications, Dr. Anne died peacefully and in no distress a few hours later. We knew she wanted the sacrament and I believe that she hung on until she received it.

As a former hospice nurse, I have often seen this kind of hanging on by dying patients until an important matter was resolved.

So, to the end, Dr. Anne was still teaching about the value of all life.

Rest in peace, Dr. Anne Bannon!

6 thoughts on “Dr. Anne Bannon, Hero For Life

  1. Thanks, Nancy.  This is beautiful. May we publish it in the Feb. PHA Monthly? Julie

    From: nancyvalko To: crti@sbcglobal.net Sent: Wednesday, February 1, 2017 9:18 AM Subject: [New post] Dr. Anne Bannon, Hero For Life #yiv1246124051 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv1246124051 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv1246124051 a.yiv1246124051primaryactionlink:link, #yiv1246124051 a.yiv1246124051primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv1246124051 a.yiv1246124051primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv1246124051 a.yiv1246124051primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv1246124051 WordPress.com | nancyvalko posted: “Dr. Anne Bannon “reading” her old pro-life insert. June 2016.My friend and hero, Dr. Anne Bannon, died at the age of 89 on January 30, 2017.Dr. Anne Bannon became a pediatrician decades ago at a time when women were usually discouraged from entering” | |


  2. This is a lovely tribute to a courageous lady. When I read that she received Extreme Unction, I wondered if you are familiar with the Apostolic Pardon, which is a special blessing given at the time of death, and under the right circumstances relieves the blessed person from all temporal punishment due to sins which have been forgiven so that the spend no time in purgatory and go directly to heaven when they die. I carry a card in my wallet and have told my family to request this. For some reason, most priests don’t automatically impart the Apostolic Pardon.




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